Due to insurance requirements, in order to fly from this field, one must be a Fayette Flyers Club member in good standing (dues paid), or the invited guest of a Club member in good standing and have in their possession their current Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership card.

General Club Rules

  1. Due to insurance requirements, in order to fly from this field, one must be a Fayette Flyers Club member in good standing (dues paid), or the invited guest of a Club member in good standing and have in their possession their current Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership card. The only exception to this is the one-time per person "hands on experience" as allowed by AMA policy and in this instance, a qualified instructor recognized by the Club must accompany the trainee. Each member should wear his/her Club-issued name tag whenever using or visiting the flying field to properly identify himself/herself.
  2. Members and guests must abide by the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code, dated January 1, 2018. This code serves as the basis for the Club's safety program.
  3. Any person(s) attempting to fly, or flying without the permission of a Club member in good standing that is present, is/are trespassing per the agreement in place with the property owners. As such, this person(s) is/are subject to prosecution.
  4. All members are "informal" safety officers and are thus responsible for ensuring compliance with the Club Safety Code and Field Rules. The Club Safety Officer or Club Secretary shall post a current copy of this document and supporting photos on the field bulletin board. Guests must read these rules prior to his/her first flight.
  5. Prior to flying at this field, members and guests must register with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), if flying any radio-controlled aircraft weighing more than 250 grams (0.55lbs) and less than 55 lbs. The FAA registration number must be affixed to his/her aircraft per FAA guidelines (accessible to be read without tools).
  6. The Flight Line/Safety Line is a line running parallel to the runway along the numbered pilot station fence. The Pit Area is between the Flight Line and a line parallel to and along the front of the covered area. The Pit Area is potentially dangerous and should only be used by pilots or crewmembers for aircraft assembly, disassembly, repairs, motor operations, or preparation for flight. The Spectator Area is behind a line parallel to and along the front of the covered area.
  7. Deliberate flying behind the Flight Line is prohibited. Instructors must make every effort to ensure student pilots abide by this safety rule.
  8. Takeoffs, landings, and all other flying using the main runway shall be done while the pilot is at one of the numbered pilot stations unless permission is obtained from other pilots to deviate from this rule. An example is for a student pilot to stand behind the aircraft on the runway for the purpose of learning to take-off the aircraft.
  9. Unless agreed upon by all pilots wishing to fly, the main runway shall only be used for takeoffs and landings to enter or exit the traffic pattern. It shall not be used for low passes, a practice area, an over fly area, for 3-D, or aerobatic maneuvers by fixed wing, helicopter, or multi-rotor aircraft.
  10. The Primary Flight Area is the rectangular area between the main runway is used for general flying in an approximately rectangular traffic pattern. Traffic pattern direction shall be determined based on the wind direction at the beginning of each flight and all air traffic must move in the same direction. Intentional flight against the traffic pattern is prohibited. If the wind shifts while aircraft are in the air, pilots may agree to change the traffic pattern direction.
  11. No Pilot may land or takeoff an aircraft while any person is between the Flight Line and a line 50 feet beyond, and parallel to the far side of the runway. For example, pilots retrieving aircraft that have landed in the field beyond the runway may be within this area. Any person crossing the Flight Line onto the runway for any reason, must announce in a loud voice, "On the Runway" when entering onto the runway or when returning from the field beyond the runway. Once that person returns to the pilot side of the Flight Line they must announce in a loud voice, "Clear".
  12. When two or more aircraft are flying, it is recommended that each pilot have a spotter by his/her side. The spotter must warn the pilot of any apparent danger. A student pilot does not qualify as a spotter. A timer does qualify as a spotter.
  13. >Pilots or spotters must announce in a loud voice their intention to land or takeoff. Landing aircraft have the right of way over taxiing aircraft or aircraft preparing to takeoff. Dead stick aircraft have priority over all other aircraft.
  14. There shall be no flying while the field is being mowed forward of the Flight Line.
  15. Aircraft too heavy or too large to be carried to the runway may be taxied to it, if suitably restrained by the pilot or his spotter. All other aircraft shall be carried to the runway. No aircraft shall be taxied from the runway into the Pit Area.
  16. No student pilot should ever attempt to fly unassisted prior to successful completion of a solo flight. The instruction of new members should only be conducted by personnel recognized as qualified instructors by the Club.
  17. The primary use of the central covered area is to provide shelter for members, guest flyers, and spectators. Except for battery charging station use, this area is not designed for flight preparation such as the assembly of aircraft, aircraft repair, the operation of any motor system, or fueling of aircraft.
  18. Each person shall be responsible for any property damage or personal injury that he/she, his/her aircraft, or equipment may cause. This includes damage caused by improper frequency management. However, Instructors are not responsible for damage to or by a student's aircraft and/or equipment during training. Any damages caused by a minor member shall be the responsibility of the minor member's parent(s) or guardian(s).
  19. Use of non-prescription drugs or the consumption of alcoholic beverages on this property is prohibited. No member or guest shall ever fly when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  20. Each person is expected to take with him/her, at the end of their flying session, any beverage cups, bottles, cans, food wrappers, broken aircraft, props, fuel containers, and all other debris they brought to the field. Use of the field trashcan in the covered area should be limited as no additional trashcans will be provided unless an organized event is scheduled. Be sure the field trashcan lid is tightly closed.
  21. These rules may be altered for special events such as a Fun-Fly, contest or charity event. In this case, it is the responsibility of the event director to provide safety guidelines for the event.

Radio Management

  1. Pilots using FM radio flight systems shall place his/her AMA card on the frequency board, remove the frequency pin designating the Channel to be used, and attach the pin to his/her transmitter before powering it on. Pilots should block only one channel at a time. Upon flight completion, pilots should return the frequency pin to the board, and remove their AMA card. Courtesy and safety dictate that pilots wishing to operate on the same channel work out a system to equally share its use.
  2. Pilots using 2.4 GHz radio flight systems should ensure successful system binding and range checks are completed prior to flight.
  3. Pilots using 5.8 GHz radio flight systems for multirotor aircraft must not turn on any transmitter until sure that his/her Channel is not in use by another pilot. This includes transmitters in the Pit Area or other non-flight areas. If flying at the Multirotor & FPV Racing Area, pilots must be sure that aircraft are not using 5.8 GHz Channels at the Main Field.

Glow Fuel, Gas, and Turbine Powered Aircraft

  1. All glow fuel and gas-powered engines shall be equipped with an effective muffler. Contact a Club Officer If there are any questions. Engine sound level must not exceed 85 decibels one foot above ground level at a distance of three meters from the muffler side of the engine. Decibel readings should be taken at full throttle using a Club calibrated decibel meter.
  2. Any pilot wishing to break in a new engine should do so at home.
  3. Turbine powered aircraft are prohibited at this field.

Guests and Spectators

  1. In the interest of hospitality, the Club will allow a guest to fly at this field if they receive the permission of a Club member present at the field. It is the responsibility of the host member to ensure that their guest(s) understand the posted Club Safety Code and Field rules prior to his/her first flight. Guests must demonstrate adequate flying skills and abide by all field rules and safety codes. Guests may fly up to four (4) times within a single contiguous four (4) month period. To continue flying at this field after four (4) guest flying sessions the guest must become a member of the Fayette Flyers Club.
  2. Aircraft belonging to a guest or trainee shall have a safety inspection and engine sound level evaluation conducted by the sponsoring member or instructor prior to the first flight.
  3. Spectators are welcome, and in the interest of safety, must remain in the designated Spectator Area (behind the Pit Area). This also includes pets. Small children should be kept at a safe distance from the dangers of propellers and noise. Club members should always be mindful that new spectators may not be familiar with our field and should inform him/her of the designated Spectator Area in a friendly and helpful way.